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Struggling with vision loss?

Ensight Skills Center offers help, hope


photo of woman reading bottle using a magnifying glassWhen occupational therapist Denny Moyer noticed several of her older patients were injured in falls because of failing vision, she looked for local resources to help them. 却没有找到, Moyer — who has lived with a visual impairment since her late teens — worked to change that.

She co-founded Ensight Skills Center in Fort Collins with a few others living with low vision, a loan from the Fort Collins Lions Club, and borrowed space at Elderhaus Adult Day Program. The Center provides education, 培训, 工具, and support to help those ages 6 years and up live independently with low vision.

Center teams include occupational therapists, optometrists, and orientation and mobility specialists. Support groups and one-on-one peer support are also available to help clients adjust to vision loss.   ]“When I was diagnosed with juvenile 黄斑变性 at age 19, I didn’t look for services — I was in denial for many years,莫耶说。, who serves as Ensight’s president and chief executive officer. “晚些时候, working in occupational rehabilitation in Fort Collins I saw how many people were needing services and not getting them.”

photo of occupational therapist helping woman use a page magnifier on checkbookThe need was even greater than she imagined.

As the only nonprofit in Colorado providing comprehensive low-vision rehabilitation services, Ensight now has eight locations across the state. 在去年, they provided direct services to 370 residents in Fort Collins and 750 individuals statewide. 另一个9,000 people across Colorado participated in outreach and education programs, learning about the impacts of low vision and the resources available. The program’s occupational therapists also travel to areas between centers to serve those who have difficulty with transportation.

Some of the main causes of low vision include 黄斑变性, 青光眼, 糖尿病, 脑损伤, 中风, 视神经损伤, 和白内障. Colorado’s high elevation means UV exposure can be around 20 percent higher than at sea level, and not wearing adequate eye protection can lead to corneal damage, 眼睑癌, 黄斑变性, and speed cataract development.

Most of Ensight’s clients are referred by their primary care doctor, 眼科医生, 或验光师, but anyone can use the agency’s services.

Each client begins with a 90-minute low-vision evaluation with an optometrist and an occupational therapist, who look at the full range of visual acuity including what vision is remaining, where in the eye it is still working best, 强光如何影响他们, and how contrast might help to increase or decrease vision. Then different visual aid 工具 such as magnifiers and electronic equipment are introduced. Referrals may be made for a home visit by an occupational therapist, who looks at lighting and potential trip hazards, as well as safety in the kitchen and in the bathroom. 

“The best place for 培训 is often in the home,” Moyer explains. “We can see if the 工具 and techniques we’re teaching work for them in the place where they need to be successful, 不只是在我们的办公室.”

photo of woman in kitchen reading a recipe using a magnifier另外, Ensight’s orientation and mobility specialists provide indoor and outdoor 培训 to teach clients how to get around in their community and become oriented and safe in their environment. Mobility 工具 to consider include white canes, 导盲犬, and special GPS systems for the visually impaired that are more detailed and use verbal instructions.

“We can help people through the process of vision loss. We want them to know there is LOTS they can do to be independent, and there IS hope!”

For more information or to make an appointment, go to ensightskills.org 或打电话 970-407-9999.


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